Entries by Darren Stevens

The Challenges of Managing a Marketer When You Are Not a Marketer – And How to Overcome Them

Running a successful business requires bringing in diverse talent with expertise in various fields, and marketing is definitely no exception. For many business owners or managers, however, managing a marketer can be daunting, especially when marketing isn’t your forte. From understanding technical jargon to setting realistic expectations, navigating this relationship can be tricky. In this […]


Why Your Google Business Listing is an Essential Marketing Tool

In today’s digital age, where your online presence is absolutely crucial, your Google Business listing is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. It’s more than just a simple directory listing—it’s a gateway for potential customers to find, learn about, and engage with your business. Here’s why maintaining an optimised Google Business […]


The top 10 most common mistakes businesses make with Social Media

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, businesses have a tremendous opportunity to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive growth. However, navigating the intricacies of social media marketing can be challenging, leading to common mistakes that hinder success. In this blog post, we explore the emotional rollercoaster of the top 10 most common mistakes businesses make with social media. So get ready to learn from these pitfalls, ensuring your social media journey is the best that it can be.

Neglecting a Clear Strategy:
Without a well-defined social media strategy, businesses can find themselves lost in the vast sea of platforms and content possibilities. Don’t fall into the trap of aimlessly posting without purpose and create a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your business goals, target audience, and brand identity.

Failing to Understand the Target Audience:
Every successful social media campaign begins with a deep understanding of the target audience. Only by having a clear picture of who is target customer can you create content that resonates with your audience on a profound level. Learn how to conduct thorough audience research, identify their needs and desires, and tailor your content to create an emotional bond that fosters loyalty and engagement. Think about what will interest your target market.

Inconsistent Brand Voice:
Inconsistency in your brand voice can lead to confusion and disengagement. Avoid mixed messaging and discover the power of a consistent and authentic brand voice. Ensure your brand’s personality shines through in every social media interaction, fostering trust and building a strong emotional connection with your audience.

Lack of Engaging Content:
Nothing dampens the spirit of social media like boring, uninspiring content. Create engaging content that captivates and sparks conversation. Fully utilise the power of storytelling, visual appeal, and interactive elements to keep your audience coming back for more.

Ignoring Social Listening:
Social listening is the key to understanding your audience’s sentiments, preferences, and pain points. Don’t miss opportunities for meaningful engagement and unlock the power of social listening to gather insights, address customer concerns, and tailor your content strategy to meet their evolving needs.

Overlooking Community Management:
Neglecting community management can result in a sense of isolation and detachment from your audience. The importance of active engagement cannot be overstated, responding to comments and messages, and fostering a sense of community around your brand. Explore the emotional rewards of building genuine relationships and the impact it has on your business’s reputation and customer loyalty.

Overpromotion and Salesy Tactics:
Constant self-promotion and aggressive sales tactics can alienate your audience and evoke feelings of annoyance and frustration. Discover the art of balanced promotion, where value-driven content takes centre stage and sales messages are seamlessly integrated. Learn how to build trust and credibility through authenticity and providing meaningful solutions to your audience’s pain points.

Neglecting Analytics and Data:
Making decisions without analyzing data can leave you lost and directionless. Uncover the power of analytics and data-driven insights – to see what really works and engages with your audience. Leverage social media analytics to track performance, measure ROI, and optimize your strategies for maximum impact.

Inconsistent Posting Schedule:
Inconsistency in posting can lead to a sense of disconnection and lead to missed engagement opportunities. Avoid sporadic posting and uncover the benefits of a consistent and well-planned content schedule. Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and eager for your next update.

Lack of Adaptability:
Social media is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, and businesses must be adaptable to stay ahead. What worked yesterday may not work today.

Ask yourself – how many of these ten mistakes are you guilty of? If your business could do with some help with your Social Media Marketing then email Darren Stevens – darren.stevens@prestburymarketing.co.uk for an initial, no obligation discussion.


Prestbury Marketing to take part in Seminar for start-up businesses

Darren Stevens from Prestbury Marketing is taking part in a free online Seminar on 23rd June organised by Eagle Tower titled “How to make your New Business soar”. It is specifically aimed at people who are thinking about starting a new business or have recently done so,

Starting a new business can be a very exciting time. But it can also be daunting, with so much to think about and do. Eagle Tower have put together a line up of experts that will cover all the basics you need to know from a legal, financial, marketing and sales perspective.

Darren’s session “The ten Marketing things your business should be doing” acknowledges that one of the daunting things when you start a new business is the seemingly endless list of things on your marketing “to do list”. Some of these can appear quite technical and with others you can spend endless hours trying to craft the perfect message. The sheer choice of marketing options can be bewildering and often one of the hardest questions facing you will be – “how much marketing is enough”.

With over 30 years’ marketing experience, Darren will in this highly practical session provide clarity on what he considers are the 10 most important marketing things any start up or early stage business should be doing.

The pandemic has caused people to re-evaluate what they are doing with their lives and this is expected to lead to an increase in people deciding to set up their own business.

The event also features speakers from Eagle Tower, Hazlewoods, JV Consultancy and Hughes Paddison.

Anyone wishing to reserve a space can do so here.

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Clean Air Cheltenham seeking a volunteer to be their Publicity Co-ordinator

We are helping Clean Air Cheltenham spread the word about a volunteer position to become their Publicity Co-ordinator. The position would obviously be ideal for anybody who can share the organisation’s passion for the subject. The opportunity would enable somebody to gain practical experience in this field and demonstrate a track record of achievement. More details including how to apply can be found below.

The role of Voluntary Publicity Coordinator requires:

  • A friendly confident manner
  • The ability to think fast, laterally and creatively
  • A capacity to take the initiative, as well as collaborate
  • Experience of using Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Work will entail:

  • Creating, maintaining and updating a media list
  • Establishing named contacts at as many local media outlets as possible
  • Setting up Google Alerts and other means for receiving relevant breaking news
  • Networking relevant news stories as they arise
  • Publicising Clean Air Cheltenham events
  • Seeking interviews with local media
  • Pitching, and writing, features for local publications e.g. Cotswold Life
  • Keeping interested colleagues in Cheltenham’s twin towns informed of activities

Time commitment: In the short-term this will require approximately 2 hours per week which will increase at times of special events.

Future plans/events: The kinds of events they would like the Coordinator to promote will range from online poetry workshops, interdisciplinary webinars (linking air quality, health, transport and technology), as well as events with a national outreach, such as Clean Air Day (June 2021) and Car Free Day (September 2021).

To apply, please email: Caroline Sherwood caroline@cleanaircheltenham.org with a short explanation of why you would like this voluntary position, and details of relevant experience.

Closing date: 10th February 2021

Background to Clean Air Cheltenham

Clean Air Cheltenham aims to improve the air quality in Cheltenham by:

  1. Raising awareness through an annual Multimedia Celebration of Clean Air
  2. Liaising with groups pursuing similar aims, such as cycling and environmental groups, tree planting organisations, residents’ associations, and schools
  3. Encouraging collaborative action between all agencies concerned with the quality of air in the town, principally those responsible for transport and health care
  4. Raising funds to support relevant projects

Clean Air Cheltenham recognises the critical role air quality plays in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. The quality of the air is of central importance to the well-being of all, as well as being of particular concern to those who suffer from respiratory disease, to parents and children and to the elderly.

Membership is open to anyone over 16 years old who supports the aims of Clean Air Cheltenham. There is no charge for membership and members join through the website by opting in to receive newsletters and updates.

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Thinking of starting a business? Here are some of the things that you need to do.

At this time of year and after this year of all years, now is the time when many are reviewing what they currently doing and considering taking the plunge and starting their own business. This is not a decision to take lightly though, so we thought we would shares some tips on what you need to do.

Things to do before you make the decision

Ask yourself why you want to do this? Phrases like being your own boss are often quoted and we understand that motivation. Many start up businesses quickly find though that their customers start to feel like “bosses” because of their expectations and demands. Others decide to go it alone to do what they love. That is fine but ask yourself is this the only way you can achieve this? It is not that we are against starting up businesses (after all we did that ourselves nearly 11 years ago), but we do find that most start up businesses underestimate how much hard work it will be.

Work out how much you want/need to earn. Then estimate what your fixed and variable costs will be and you will soon have an idea of how much you will need to turnover to realise your aspirations. Break this down into months and how many sales you need to do (or if you are offering services the number of hours you need to work) and remember the need to consider the fact that not all enquiries or expressions of interest will turn into sales. You have some of the elements of a business plan now and something to gauge your progress against.

Try and assess the level of demand for what you intend to offer. Ask potential customers would they be interested in what you intend to offer, what price they would expect to pay and where if they were looking for it, would they look. Wrong assumptions at this stage can be crucial. For example if you plan to sell an item for £25 and people expect to pay £18, you need to justify that premium and anticipate that some people, even those that want what you are selling may be put off. Also look out for competitors. If they are there – ask yourself how you will compare and standout? If they are not there, then just maybe that indicates there are not enough people looking for what you intend to offer/do in that area.

After the decision to go-ahead.

This is where the hard work really starts. This is not an exhaustive list but some of the key things you need to do.

Create a “to do list” and start to plot these in some sort of calendar or plan. This will help you put things into the right order, determine your priorities and highlight interdependencies. It also will help you drive your activity and help maintain momentum – “what I need to get done this week”. Beware the temptation to keep delaying things to get “all your ducks in a row”. Try and categorise things, maybe into “must haves” and “nice to haves”.

Finalise what you are going to offer (your products or services) and how and where you are going to offer this. In part this is about where you intend to operate but it is equally about your routes to market.

Settle on a business name. Remember to check Companies House to see if somebody is already using it and for similar reason google the name you are considering. Check the Government website for trademarks (remember that even if there is a clash if they operate in a different field or class this may not a be a show stopper) and that there is a domain name that matches or is very close to your name. We use 123 reg but there are other providers. If you are planning to operate internationally check on how your name translates and what its meaning is in different languages.

Create a logo for your name. This will be the visual representation of your name and will feature on everything you produce and you will also need it for your website, business cards, social media etc. You can try and do this yourself, but we usually find using the services of a professional designer is better in the long run.

Remember the practicalities. If you are going to be limited company register the business with Companies House. Set up a business bank account, take on an accountant and consider what premises, equipment or software you need from day one. Think about what insurances you need, what laws and regulations you must comply with and whether you will register your trademark at the outset. The latter of these is usually advisable if you have aspirations to grow your business. Think about what services and suppliers you need or in the short term what skills gaps you have if you are going to “insource” elements e.g. bookkeeping. Organisations like the Growth Hub which supports Gloucestershire businesses can be a great help. If you are outside Gloucestershire you will probably have your own equivalent.

Consider whether (or when) you will have a website. Determine how you are going to get it produced e.g. do it yourself or via a web company (we can help you find one). Create a brief of what the site will contain and make sure to look at lots of competitors. A common preference is for a light or uncluttered site but remember you are designing it for Google as much as you are the end user and a site with too few pages or words can struggle to rank. Remember you will need copy and photographs for your site (very often a stumbling block) and that you will need to pay for a domain name and to host your website. Make sure you set up your Google My Business profile and when your site is live make sure it has Google Analytics installed.

Decide what social media platforms you are going to use and set up your profiles. Remember to think what social media platforms your potential customers use and look at what your competitors are using. If you do not know how to do this organisations such as ourselves can do this for you. We also offer training and advice on how to make the best use of social media and also offer an outsourced service if required. You can find information on our social media services here.

Decide what if any local business groups you might want to join. We are members of the Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce and Circle 2 Success (we are happy to share why we have chosen these two if you want to get in touch) but we have been members of the Institute of Directors and Gloucestershire Chamber of Commerce in the past and many small businesses choose to join the Federation of Small Businesses.

Decide on how you are going to promote your business. We come across far too many businesses who have inadvertently become the best kept secret. A great first step is to identify your target customers and make a list of the different ways that you can reach them. Some marketing will jump straight to generating a sale, but more often than not you will find you will need to take them through a process. For most businesses the steps in this will be making them aware of you and what you do, creating a positive impression and then creating enough desire for what you offer for them to get in touch. It is a good idea at the outset to set a budget for how much you are going to spend on marketing in the first year. This provides a great framework for decision making and will greatly minimise the chances of costs running away. Remember the importance of repetition and reinforcement to guide your potential customers through your process. Also don’t forget to make the most of free sources e.g. social media, recommendations and referrals.

We hope that this list isn’t too daunting and that you will find it useful. Running your own business is very hard work, but it is also very rewarding. For us for example we get a great buzz out of the progress we see our clients making with our help. If you do think that you would benefit from some professional help with your marketing please get in touch.

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Marketing in uncertain times

We are most definitely living and working in a period of unprecedented change, where almost everything that we have accepted to be normal is changed for the forseeable future, “thanks” to Coronavirus. Here at Prestbury Marketing we come into daily “virtual” contact with many businesses and it has been both heartening and quite remarkable the way many businesses are seeking to re-invent themselves towards a new way of doing business. Many people in leadership positions though, may not even have had to market their business in a recession, yet alone these circumstances. We offer in this blog our initial thoughts on things you might want to consider from a marketing perspective.

Don’t waste money

Seems an obvious one but now more than ever it is vital that you ensure you are getting value for money. Track the impact of any marketing that you are running. Ask yourself three questions. Firstly, are you going to be able to handle or fulfill any enquiries that you can get. After yesterday’s statement by the Prime Minister, Pubs, Restaurants and Cafes are not going to be able to, but many other businesses ability to deal with enquiries has been affected as well. Secondly, is the mindset of the customer likely to be in the right place? Whether you are marketing to consumers or business customers, their minds may be on other things. In much the same way that peoples’ minds are on other things at Christmas and when they are on summer holiday, people are very much focussing on different things right now (at least in the very short term). Finally look closely at how the marketing is performing – is there any evidence to suggest that performance is deteriorating.

Depending on the answers to these questions, you may well need to take action, but what are your options? This will differ from business to business, depending on what forms of marketing you are currently running. Can you pause activity? In some cases like pay per click or boosted Facebook posts you will be able to pause activity straight away and the only charge you may be left with, is the management charge if you are having this activity run for you. In other cases you may be contractually bound to run what you have booked, but maybe they will agree for you to defer the activity to when things pick up as they inevitably will. Numerous studies have shown from past recessions though that those businesses that continue to market through a recession emerge stronger and faster than those that did not.

Keep communication channels open and up-to-date

If your opening hours change then make sure that you update these on your website and your Google My Business Profile. Make sure that you download the Google My Business app and the apps for the social media channels that you are active on, so that if potential or actual customers choose to contact you though these mediums, then you will be aware and respond promptly. Use the Google My Business post functionality to let people know what you are doing.

Innovate and adapt

This will not be an option for all businesses, but it will be for many. If a service or product you offer is no longer in demand what else can you do? A special mention here for our Stationery, Office Supplies and IT Business Officeworx. With many businesses asking employees to work from home, demand for some of their services is likely to tail off. They responded immediately to the prospect of schools closing and launched HomeSchool Packs this week, that they have been actively promoting on social media.

We are seeing a lot of demand for our services, but the nature of what we are working on is just very different to what it was as little as a week ago.

Use the time well to be in the best possible position for when things do recover

What aspects of your marketing could you use this period to focus on? Maybe it might be the organic ranking of your website that could be improved through Search Engine Optimisation. For some it might be the ideal time to replace your outdated website or perhaps less dramatic adding those customer testimonials or case studies that you always intended to. For some people that are less busy you may find them more receptive to requests to leave you reviews on Google My Business (if you have used our services and haven’t left us a review before, please feel free to do so).

Maintain a presence and visibility

Whilst now for many people this will be time to conserve funds it is vital that you maintain some visibility. Keep up your activity on social media and fully utilise your Google My Business posts. Blog regularly, particularly if you have knowledge or guidance that will be helpful in the current situation.

Think of others ……..

Here at Prestbury Marketing we have always been great advocates of Corporate Social Responsibility and putting something back into the community we live and work in. This is even more the case in difficult times like these, where the needs will be even greater. In Gloucestershire, the charity CCP has launched an appeal for donations, financial and actual goods or volunteering, to help the charity respond to the inevitable increase in demand for emergency food parcels. Please support it if you can. Maybe you are a pub, restaurant, or cafe that is being forced to close that wants to see perishable or date limited food put to good use or a business that has resources that you can contribute?

We hope that we have given you some food for thought here (pun intended). We are happy respond to any specific queries that you may have, having read this blog. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How do you know your website is working?

This is one of the most common questions we are asked. To be clear this is not usually in the context of whether or not the site is down, but more a matter of, is it being found as well as it should be and is it making the most of the visitors it does get. We would argue though that the number of people asking this question are very tip of a much bigger iceberg/ number who are “blissfully ignorant” of how their website is performing.

In this digital age that we now live in, there is really no excuse for not knowing how well your website is performing – although that being said one of the most common failings in this area are down to human beings. So what are our top 10 ways of checking that your website is working.

1. Ask your enquirers/potential customers.
A surprisingly number of businesses don’t ask this question or if they do, they don’t log and track the answer to it. Without this information you are falling at the first hurdle of tracking where your new business comes from. Our preference would be that you log what people say and that if the answer is “found your website”, then ask how they found your website.

2. Track how these enquiries progress
Knowing what the conversion rate of enquiries is from different sources and where applicable the average order value is key. The holy grail where you are spending money on driving traffic to your website is to know the £’s worth of order per £1 of marketing spend. This way you can compare different forms of marketing which might have very different costs.

3. Re-inforce your manual tracking through Google analytics.
It is possible to set up goals in Google Analytics for telephone calls, emails and form submissions. What this then means is that you can determine how many of these you have had and what drove them. Have you ever wondered for example whether visitors to your website are from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin convert better. Bear in mind though that only calls via mobiles will be tracked (or Skype) but that also a call is tracked by counting the number of times the message – call 01242 xxxxxx is triggered and not all these will go onto call.

4. Determine the extent of the correlation between website traffic and sales.
It is usually a case of how much of a correlation there is between movements in website traffic and sales volumes rather than a case of whether one exists. Showing sales volumes over website traffic on a graph over the same period will show this.

5. Look at Google Analytics to see what it tells you
How is website traffic performing compared with the same period last year? Is your traffic up or down and where is it coming from and how does it differ. What is the bounce rate for your site (where people arrive on one page and leave straight away)?

6. Do you know how many people are looking at your business before they make contact or visit your website?
This might sound impossible to some or it might sound like you need a crystal ball. Whereas the answer is in fact your Google My Business listing that appears top right when you search on Google for yourselves, and is the red blob on a map when people search for your type of business. Once you have claimed your business you have access to rich insights and a number of marketing tools i.e. posts, adding photo, responding to reviews or messages. Top tip – Increase the visibility of your Google My Business page and you will drive more traffic to your website or people to make contact with you.

7. Check the health of your website in the eyes of Google and Chrome?
If your website is not considered to be secure in the eyes of Chrome and Google your site ranking will suffer and you will be losing visitors. Also check whether Google thinks your site is fully mobile friendly.

8. Consider monitoring / viewing what your traffic is doing
Google Analytics has an element of live traffic that if you get sufficient volumes of web visitors will give some insight into the behaviour of your traffic. The behavioural view on analytics will also tell you where people arrived and where they went. Products such as Hotjar (other products are available) allow you to view live on screen how visitors act – great for example if you have a lot of people visiting a form but then abandon it.

9. Consider getting somebody to review your website from a user experience perspective
Whilst not statistically significant this can give valuable insight into how others view your site, particularly if they also look at some of your competitors sites. Or you could conduct a survey of your website visitors to gain their views.

10. Get an external view from a Marketing Consultant
A fresh pair of eyes can give a more balanced perspective – but then we would say that wouldn’t we? Why not get in touch to get us to have a look at your site for you.