Tag Archive for: Google My Business

Why Your Google Business Listing is an Essential Marketing Tool
In today’s digital age, where your online presence is absolutely crucial, your Google Business listing is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. It's more than just a simple directory listing—it's a gateway for potential…

The 10 things to do, to get your business in the best possible shape for recovery from Coronavirus
Many businesses are quieter than they would ordinarily be at the moment. Some are laying off staff, others are furloughing employees. But in our view this is a golden opportunity for many to do what they ordinarily might struggle to - work…

Marketing in uncertain times
We are most definitely living and working in a period of unprecedented change, where almost everything that we have accepted to be normal is changed for the forseeable future, "thanks" to Coronavirus. Here at Prestbury Marketing we come into…

How do you know your website is working?
This is one of the most common questions we are asked. To be clear this is not usually in the context of whether or not the site is down, but more a matter of, is it being found as well as it should be and is it making the most of the visitors…

Pupil changing name of School to “Prison and Hell on Earth” is a lesson for all businesses
Hornsea School and Language College in East Yorkshire was recently "rebranded" on Google as Hornsea Prison & Hell on Earth. The temporary change perhaps unsurprisingly attracting national headlines.Behind this enterprising prank is a lesson…

2019 – what is it likely to mean to the world of Marketing?
As one year draws to a close and another is just about to start, it is a good time to try and look forward to the next year and reflect on likely changes over the next 12 months and how these may impact on your marketing and priorities. In this…